
HomeDrive is a small server that runs web services at your own place. It connects to your local home network, yet can also serve you via the Internet connection.

When connected, HomeDrive by default connects to HomeDrive Fabrics service: a network tunnel service that allows you to access your HomeDrive from anywhere with Internet access. No port-forwarding, DDNS or VPN is required. Just plug HomeDrive into the home Internet router, and it just works.

Behind the scenes, HomeDrive Fabrics accepts TCP connections from user's own domains, and routes the incoming TCP connections to the HomeDriver server. All web services on the HomeDrive server use HTTPS, so that all traffic is transferred with Transport Layer Security (TLS) with end-to-end encryption. Even HomeDrive engineers or system administrators do not have access to your data or application logs.

We build all services on HomeDrive from source code, and we responsibly maintain and review the source code to make sure the applications meet our security and privacy standards.

All software on HomeDrive, including the operating system, service orchestration, service applications are updated routinely and automatically. HomeDrive is hence always up-to-date. Applying an update often only requires a quick restart of the service, with minimized the service down time.